March 10, 2020 | General

Seeking Farmer Perspectives On AD

Risa Lewis, an undergraduate in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources program at the University of Connecticut, has focused her senior thesis on on-farm anaerobic digestion in the Northeastern United States.

A component of Lewis’ thesis is to conduct a survey titled “Farmer Perspectives & Investment in Anaerobic Digestion”. This study seeks answers to questions about anaerobic digestion perspectives and experiences, and asks for participation in a series of investment decision-making games involving choosing between different potential anaerobic digestion projects.

“After researching on-farm anaerobic digestion (AD) in the summer of 2019 at Penn State, I have been working with Dr. Katherine Zipp on a survey to gain a better understanding of the state of on-farm AD in the Northeastern U.S. and farmer preferences and decision-making for this specific technology,” explains Lewis. “We are targeting Northeastern livestock farms and invite them to take my anonymous online survey, which is being administered via Qualtrics.” The survey has been tested, she adds, and should take 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Email Risa Lewis with any questions, or to receive a link.

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