May 27, 2009 | General


BioCycle May 2009, Vol. 50, No. 5, p. 11

Thank you for including me in the 50th Anniversary celebration of BioCycle. Jerry and your family exemplify the small family enterprises that make this country great.
After my talk, I had several excellent conversations with conference participants. They asked me what I thought the main barriers that the industry faces at this time. I responded:
1. Need for infrastructure. The challenge is to use federal stimulus dollars and private investment to build infrastructure for composting and methane recovery from organic discards.
2. Fight biomass. I am not taking a position on whether or not to burn wood. But the legal definition of biomass includes garbage (municipal solid waste) and, as in Florida, even materials set aside for recycling and composting. When you start incineration, it becomes your answer to everything. This is a waste of resources, money and government staff time.
I will be happy to update conference participants at the next BioCycle Conference. Congratulations again on 50 years of success.
Neil Seldman, President, Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Washington, DC 20005
There wasn’t enough time to give a formal toast and tribute at the 50th Anniversary Gala in San Diego, so I am writing this note. I want to take advantage of this opportunity to thank the Goldstein family and particularly Jerry and Nora, of course, for all the good that you accomplished on behalf of U.S. citizens and the academic community at large in the field of waste recycling. With Obama and his new team, you may well be able to accomplish a lot in the next decade. Ever since Reagan and his EPA’s Ms. Piggy, not much has happened in the U.S. government in this field that we can be proud of.
I suspect that the future for BioCycle will be bright indeed, especially because of the high level of regard for ethics, morality, wisdom, and stewardship that you as a team bring to this field in the U.S. I feel lucky to have known and worked with you over the years. Bon voyage and keep up the great work!
Harry A. J. Hoitink, Professor Emeritus, Department of Plant Pathology, The Ohio State University/OARDC, Wooster, Ohio

Happy 50th Anniversary! You guys have been a guiding beacon and touchstone for our business for as long as I have been in it (over 20 years now). You have inspired not one, but two generations of idealists, environmentalists and entrepreneurs. And you are working on your third. Thank you for all you have done. You have made a difference in many, many people’s lives.
James W. Ecker, General Manager, New England Organics, Portland, Maine

Thank you for allowing me to be part of the BioCycle International Conference and celebration of the “BioCycle Family.” It was a well-planned and executed event that seamlessly combined the traditional educational sessions with a greater sense of mission, purpose and future possibilities. All this was woven into a celebration of the past 50 years of efforts and contributions driven by Jerry Goldstein’s vision and leadership.
It was easy to see the pride of accomplishment and love of family in the eyes of each one of you. It was an honor to have been an attendee, workshop leader and guest of this singularly unique experience.
John Connolly, JFConnolly & Associates, Hampton, New Hampshire

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