January 19, 2021 | AD & Biogas, Business+Finance, Climate

Align RNG Brings First Project On Line

Dominion Energy and Smithfield Foods, Inc. completed the first renewable natural gas (RNG) project through their joint venture, Align Renewable Natural Gas. Located in Milford in southwestern Utah, the covered lagoon anaerobic digestion facility is producing RNG from a network of 26 family farms that raise hogs under contract with Smithfield. At full capacity, the project will produce 236,000 decatherms (Dth) of RNG/year, yielding an annual emissions reduction of 107,000 metric tons CO2e. RNG is being utilized for heating homes and businesses, and for vehicle fuel.

Biogas upgrading system that yields RNG is installed at new AD facility in Milford, Utah. Photos courtesy of Align RNG

Dominion Energy and Smithfield Foods announced their joint venture in November 2018. The companies are jointly investing $500 million over a 10-year timeframe to develop RNG projects across the country. The next project, in Sampson and Duplin Counties, North Carolina, is scheduled for completion in Summer 2021. It will service 19 hog farms with annual RNG production of 365,000 Dth and annual emissions reduction of 157,000 metric tons CO2e. A third project in Waverly, Virginia should be completed in Spring 2022. Located in Virginia’s Gateway Region, the facility will produce 225,000 Dth/year of RNG from a network of 20 hog farms. Covered lagoon anaerobic digesters will also be utilized in North Carolina and Virginia.

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