November 29, 2022 | Climate, Community Composting, Composting, Soil Health


Top: COMPOST2023 concludes with “Demo Day,” an opportunity for attendees to watch equipment in action. Photo courtesy of USCC

The US Composting Council’s (USCC) annual conference, COMPOST2023, is being held January 24-27, 2023 in Ontario, California. The theme, Capturing Carbon, Renewing Soil, “reflects two key national issues — combating the climate crisis and improving soil health,” explains Frank Franciosi, USCC Executive Director. “Our two keynote speakers, Kara Brewer Boyd, president of the Association of American Indian Farmers, and Michael Martinez, founder and director of LA Compost, will discuss their journeys in this topic area.”

The Conference kicks off on Monday, January 23 with the Cultivating Community Composting Forum. The Forum continues on Tuesday, January 24, with a Community and Smaller Scale Composting Field Day (8:30-12:00 pm) at Cal Poly Pomona. The morning field day will be followed by a Spreading and Using Compost Field Day (1:00 pm-4:30 pm) at the same location. Also on January 24 are tours of several area composting facilities and Kellogg Garden Products’ soil and compost blending and packaging facility, and half- and full-day workshops at the conference convention center. “Our program has topics for every level of composting from community to large scale compost manufacturing,” adds Franciosi. “It covers model legislation and compost operator safety and maintenance.” The agenda includes a presentation on the findings of the USCC’s 2022 National Composting Facility Survey. Friday, January 27 is Demo Day, featuring composting, grinding and screening equipment in action.

Exhibitors at COMPOST 2023 include supporters of BioCycle CONNECT and Visit these companies at their exhibit booths: BDP #123; Biobag Americas, Inc. (Novamont) #320; Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) #507; Engineered Compost Systems (ECS) #517; KEITH Manufacturing #315; Reotemp #217; Rotochopper #214; Scott Equipment #414; Sustainable Generation #422; TORXX Kinetics, Inc. #216; Vermeer #100; WeCare Denali #501.

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