June 23, 2020 | Collection, Food Waste

COVID-19 Budget Cuts Cause Temporary Suspension Of NYC Organics Collection

Photo courtesy DSNY

The New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) announced on April 17 that, due to COVID-19 budget cuts, it is suspending the voluntary curbside composting program for food scraps and yard trimmings, beginning May 4, 2020. DSNY is continuing its mandatory curbside collection of recycled materials. During the suspension, any food scraps and yard trimmings set out for composting will be collected as trash. The suspension is currently planned through June 30, 2021. “These are painful cuts to make, and we do not take these changes lightly,” said Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia. “The City is facing an unprecedented crisis, and these service reductions will allow the City to maintain emergency services and its core municipal services.”
Residents who use their brown bins for curbside composting should discard food scraps and yard trimmings with their trash. “Trash should be put out for collection in securely tied heavy-duty bags or leak-proof receptacles with tightly fitting lids,” explained DSNY. “This is a temporary suspension, and residents should keep their bins for when service resumes. Brown compost bins belong to the address where they were originally delivered. DSNY will not collect brown bins. After your last collection, use soap and water to clean your bin and place it in storage for when the program resumes. Do not leave your bins on the curb.”
Food Scrap Drop-off Sites have been temporarily closed due to social distancing mandates. The DSNY will determine the feasibility of reopening certain Food Scrap Drop-off Sites at a later date. ”Residents are encouraged to make compost on their own if they have the space to do so,” recommended DSNY. “Learn how to compost at home at nyc.gov/recyclingmaterials and click “Food Scraps + Yard Waste.”

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