February 14, 2022 | AD & Biogas, Compostable Packaging, Facilities

Digester Mixing, Biogas Monitoring, Compostable Product Testing Webinars

Several webinars — one available on demand and two on February 24 — are covering some key topics for organics recyclers.

Biomethane Production: “Optimizing Biomethane Production,” available to view at your convenience, covers how to minimize methane slip when upgrading biogas to renewable natural gas (biomethane). Presented by Sarlin & Vaisala, the webinar includes how to continually measure the methane concentration in the offgas using Vaisala’s CARBOCAP® MGP262, and offers case studies. 

Digester Mixing: “Thick as Sludge – Evaluating the hidden costs of your digester mixing process,” will be presented on February 24, 8:00 am Pacific/11:00 am Eastern. Presented by Vaughan Co., Inc., the webinar addresses the challenge that wastewater utility managers and other operators encounter when trying to optimize the mixing of the digester’s contents. “While specific criteria and constraints vary for each mixing evaluation, decisions can be made more confidently by holistically considering your entire process — not just the anaerobic digester (AD) unit itself, but also the economic, operational, and maintenance costs related to digester feed and the downstream solids dewatering processes,” explains Stefanie Vaughan. “During this webinar, we will share experiences, observations, and data to look beyond simple digester mixing metrics and identify the key factors that directly and indirectly influence the AD process.”  

Field Testing Compostable Products: “Design Your Own Field Test” is the focus of a 90-minute virtual workshop (webinar) being offered on February 24, 3:00 pm-4:30 pm Eastern. Presented by the Compost Research & Education Foundation (CREF) and BSIbio, the free workshop explains how to test certified compostable products at your compost manufacturing facility using the protocol established by the Compostable Field Testing Program (CFTP). Managed by CREF and BSIbio, the CFTP provides a standard test kit and a customizable protocol for the common “mesh bag method.” When results from participating facilities are shared back, the data is aggregated and anonymized for eventual public release in an online open-source database. The program is designed to help composters identify which compostable product types break down in their systems, and which do not. The free standard field testing kit comes with a range of common compostable foodware tested by all participating facilities. Any other products can be added.

The Feb. 24 workshop will review the what and why of field testing, the mesh bag test method, tips and tricks for different operations, and the step-by-step process to design your own field test based on real-world operating conditions.


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