Top: Food scraps composting site (left) and snapshot of Compost Service Locator screen (right). Images courtesy Northeast Resource Recovery Association
The Northeast Resource Recovery Association (NRRA) developed an interactive map that walks the user through options for organics recycling in New Hampshire, including on-farm composting, residential pick-up, municipal composting, and anaerobic digestion. For example, the map identifies six businesses that offer residential and/or commercial collection via a subscription service, and 25 municipal drop-off sites for households in their communities. Some of the municipal sites are at a town’s composting facility; others transport collected food scraps to be composted or digested. Six farms accept food waste from residential and commercial sectors; five are in New Hampshire and one is in Vermont. For example, GBN Farms is a pay-as-you-drop organic materials composting facility in Chester, New Hampshire. It accepts leaves, grass clippings, broken or cut down tree branches, manure, restaurant waste, and vegetable matter or oils. The map’s Compost Service Locator enables users to put in their address and see what compost or food scrap diversion options may be near them.