BioCycle April 2009, Vol. 50, No. 4, p. 4
Nora Goldstein
What a thrill and honor it is for our family and coworkers to receive the good wishes of so many colleagues as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of BioCycle. We sincerely appreciate your recognition in advertisements in this Commemorative Edition, the column by Mark Jenner, “The Time/Value of BioCycle” (page 77), and the many congratulatory emails and phone calls. This achievement is a result of the tremendous contributions of so many people in so many places over so many years – researchers, practitioners, politicians and government officials, vendors, consultants and others – who have provided the information needed to publish BioCycle for 50 years. And then there are our readers, the people who pay their subscription fees that help support our endeavors, as well as our advertisers, who sustain BioCycle and its mission. We thank each and every one of you for what is truly a team effort.
We also are thrilled and honored by the March 2009 “Editorial Perspective” in Resource Recycling magazine. Jerry Powell, Executive Editor, titled his editorial, “Deserved Congratulations.” He writes about how when he got started in the “recycling publishing game” 30 years ago, family-owned and small firms dominated the industry, each owning just one periodical. He notes how the trade publishing industry has evolved to where most periodicals in this field are now owned by publishers with many magazine titles. “So, it is remarkable that our industry has one stellar publisher – a family firm – who has been at it for 50 years. The Goldstein family has published BioCycle and its predecessor titles for all this time. In itself, as I’m suggesting, this is a remarkable feat.”
“But more important, they’ve done this with intellectual foresight. The consistent and comprehensive editorial content of BioCycle, and the agenda elements of the magazine’s sister conferences, are a key reason why composting has matured (sorry for the pun) over this lengthy period. The magazine and conferences provide the venues for exchange of the needed technical details that are essential to successful organics recovery and utilization.” We thank Jerry very much for his kind and thoughtful words and insights, and salute Resource Recycling for its accomplishments in advancing the recycling industry.
We also are very grateful to the U.S. Composting Council, which recently created the Jerome Goldstein Lifetime Achievement Award (page 61). “In honoring Jerome Goldstein’s career and accomplishments,” says the announcement, “the U.S. Composting Council recognizes the best work commitments and accomplishments as demonstrated in one’s lifetime career.” Thank you very much. This too is such a thrill and an honor for our family.
We look forward to celebrating our 50th Anniversary with those of you who are attending the BioCycle International Conference 2009 at the end of this month. In preparation, we have been gathering historic photos to be assembled “by the decade.” Michele Young with the City of San Jose, California is coordinating this “mural” project that will be on display at the Anniversary Gala on April 29th. We thank Michele and everyone who has provided photos for making the mural project a reality. Because we have more great material than could fit into this “official” 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition, we will continue to reprint relevant gems from past issues of the magazine during 2009, our anniversary year.
April 27, 2009 | General