Nora Goldstein, Editor, BioCycle

March 27, 2014 | BioCycle Editorials

Editorial: Why REFOR Now

Nora Goldstein, Editor, BioCycle

Nora Goldstein
BioCycle March/April 2014

Over ten years ago, Jerome Goldstein — founder of BioCycle — floated the idea of a newsletter titled “BioCycle Energy.” We had been running the BioCycle Energy section in the magazine since the October 2002 issue, and Jerry believed the time could be right for a publication of that name to stand on its own. In his typical highly productive style, he banged out an issue of the newsletter on his typewriter, had it designed, and circulated the prototype for feedback. After much discussion, we decided that BioCycle Energy should remain a section in BioCycle.
I remember, as part of that decision making process, that we informally surveyed BioCycle subscribers who were primarily involved in composting. We asked if they read the articles in BioCycle Energy, found them of interest, and described the possibility of pulling the section out of the monthly magazine, and creating a separate newsletter. The majority of responses were the same — keep BioCycle Energy in the magazine. Many of these readers didn’t know if they would ever build an anaerobic digester to complement their composting operation, but they definitely wanted to stay informed.
By that time, The JG Press, Inc. had been holding BioCycle’s annual Renewable Energy From Organics Recycling (REFOR) Conference for several years. (We now have branded the conference name to BioCycle REFOR.)  Jerry always believed that conferences were a key part of our publishing company, providing an opportunity to get together in person, learn from each others experiences, bring in experts on relevant topics — and equally important, to help build the industry.
The synergy Jerry recognized early in his career between magazine publishing and conference organizing is working in terms of contributing to build an industry. Since the first BioCycle REFOR Conference in 2001, to this year’s BioCycle REFOR14 WEST Conference on April 7-10 in San Diego attendance has grown exponentially. And for several years now, our Exhibit Hall has sold out.
So why REFOR now? Because Renewable Energy From Organics Recycling, combined with composting, source separated organics diversion, progressive public policies, utilization of compost and clean renewable energy, are where communities, states, provinces and countries need to be heading on as fast a track as possible. As you will see, the toolbox is fully equipped to make your ride on the fast track smooth and successful!

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