Top: Graphic courtesy European Biogas Association
The European biomethane sector will receive an injection of €25 billion in private investments by 2030, representing a 30% increase compared to 2023 estimates, according to a European Biogas Association (EBA) analysis released in late June. The 2nd edition of the Biomethane Investment Outlook forecasts €2.1 billion (about $2.3 billion) of investments in the pipeline to be allocated. “The projected investments by 2030 will result in the installation of 950 new biomethane plants across Europe, alongside the 1,300 facilities already operational,” reports EBA’s Outlook. “This will add 6.3 billion cubic meters (bcm) of biomethane capacity annually to the continent, which could contribute to avoiding nearly 29 million tons of CO2 emissions each year, provide renewable energy to 5 million European households year-round, and produce 830,000 tons of fertilizer annually.” The largest investment slice (€20.9 billion) is planned for new facilities, taking 78% of the total share of investments; a portion will be invested in converting existing combined heat and power biogas plants to biomethane production facilities. Investments will be mostly located in Denmark, Poland and Italy. In the case of Denmark, notes EBA, the share of biomethane in the gas grid is close to 40% and there are plans to increase this production to substitute 100% of the gas demand before 2030. Municipal, agricultural, industrial, and commercial organic waste streams are anticipated feedstocks for the plants.