May 11, 2021 | Compostable Packaging

Irish Certification Scheme For Compostable Packaging

The Cré Compostable Certification Scheme is the only Irish scheme providing third party independent assessment that compostable products can be put into food waste recycling bins (brown bins) and processed in industrial composting plants in Ireland. Cré Certification Ireland DAC (a designated activity company) is the certification body for the Cré Compostable Certification Scheme. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Cré — the Composting and Anaerobic Digestion Association of Ireland — and is managed by a separate and independent Board. To qualify, products must first be certified by TÜV Austria/Din Certco or an equivalent to EN13432/EN14995. The certification process involves testing products at an Irish composting plant to ensure they are compatible with Irish facilities. The packaging/product(s), if compostable, is awarded a certification that it is compostable in Ireland.

“It is recognized that the scheme supports producer, public and consumer awareness and action in both the circular economy and the bioeconomy through enhanced product labeling, sustainable business models and knowledge transfer,” stated Micheal Martin, the Irish Prime Minister. “The National Waste Action plan for a Circular Economy aims to realize the full potential of the circular practices and composting, and this scheme represents an important contribution to achieving this goal.”

Cré has an arrangement with the European Bioplastics Association, TÜV Austria and Din Certco to report back to them on any products in Ireland that are misusing their certification. To date, 11 products have been licensed to use the Cré scheme mark. Included are hot cups and lids, paper barrier laminate, liners for collection of biodegradable waste, film for wrapping fruit, and a food pouch.

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