Low carbon fuel standard

February 11, 2020 | General

LCFS Accredited Verifiers Announced

California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) is designed to decrease the carbon intensity of the state’s transportation fuel pool and provide an increasing range of low carbon and renewable alternatives (including from renewable natural gas), which reduce petroleum dependency and achieve air quality benefits. The LCFS, administered by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) relies on accurate data monitoring, reporting, and verification to support implementation and tracking of effectiveness. In 2018, the Board approved amendments to add third-party verification requirements to the LCFS to ensure data completeness, accuracy, and conformance with the regulation — consistent with the verification programs under California’s Cap-and-Trade Program and international best practices. The LCFS verification program, under CARB oversight, provides confidence and reliability in reported data for stakeholders, market participants, and the public.
Verification services will be performed by qualified and trained verifiers that meet specifications for education and experience, and demonstrate that there is no conflict of interest for verifying the reported data due to current or previous relationships with the LCFS regulated entity. In January, CARB announced its list of accredited Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) Verification Bodies and Individual Verifiers. Included is EcoEngineers, which has 10 accredited LCFS Lead Verifiers.

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