Top: Delightful new children’s book is written and illustrated by Brianne Farley. Images courtesy Random House Publishing
“I’d like to make you a sandwich, all by myself,” begins Worm Makes A Sandwich. “I know what you’re thinking. You’re just a worm! Worms are so little! Worms don’t have hands! They cannot make sandwiches. But I can! I definitely can, I think. I just need one thing. Garbage! Yes! …. I like all kinds of garbage. I’m not particular. But I PREFER apple cores and mushy grapes, broccoli bottoms and carrot tops, sad celery, dripping cucumbers, smelly lettuce….” and the list continues. Written and illustrated by Brianne Farley, Worm Makes A Sandwich is an engaging and educational picture book that walks young readers through the process of composting from start to finish, told from the perspective of one little worm who is very eager to help. A guide in the back of the book offers practical information on the importance of composting and encourages kids to embark on their own composting journeys. Here’s another fun snippet: “I eat all this [garbage] by myself. Just me, alone … with some of my friends. … We eat all this garbage and sometimes each other. Then we do what everyone does after they eat garbage and sometimes each other. We poop! Delicious, nutritious poop.”