January 28, 2025 | AD & Biogas, Collection, Composting, Facilities, Food Waste, Soil Health

Organics Hauler Acquisition

Top: Food scraps collection vehicle in Curbside Compost’s fleet. Photo courtesy Curbside Compost

Natural Upcycling announced the acquisition of Ridgefield, Connecticut (CT)-based Curbside Compost, a provider of food scrap recycling and soil delivery services in Connecticut and New York. “We are pleased to work with Nick Skeadas, founder, and the Curbside Compost team as we build Natural Upcycling,” said Harry Cohen, Natural Upcycling’s co-founder and CEO. “The acquisition helps deepen our client base in the Connecticut and New York markets, and addresses the region’s need to divert food waste from incinerators and landfills.” Natural Upcycling collects organics throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states and continues to seek acquisition opportunities. Curbside Compost, which was founded in 2015, collects food waste from municipalities, institutions, businesses, schools, the healthcare industry, residents and events. All food waste is accepted, including dairy, meat, fish and bones, along with BPI-certified compostable liner bags and food-contact packaging. Households use 5-gallon lidded buckets to set out food scraps. Commercial generators are given 32- and 64-gallon carts. Processing facilities utilized by Curbside Compost include the Quantum Biopower anaerobic digester in Southington, CT, New Milford Farms in New Milford, CT and New England Compost in Danbury, CT.

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