December 8, 2020 | Collection, Food Waste, Policies + Regulations

Resources Designed For California, Useful For All

CalRecycle, the state agency responsible for overseeing implementation of California’s SB 1383 organics recycling and edible food recovery requirements, has a new webpage with links to additional webpages dedicated to collection, procurement, food recovery, and many other program implementation tools. The final SB 1383 regulations were adopted in November, and can be downloaded from the new webpage.

Local jurisdictions are responsible for program implementation — starting January 1, 2022. A webpage dedicated to resources for jurisdictions is helpful not just for California, but for local agencies anywhere that have, or are initiating, commercial and residential organics diversion programs. Included are:

  • Collection: Jurisdictions are allowed to customize collection services for businesses and residents, including single container and multiple container systems. This page reviews all the collection requirements, has a model franchise agreement contract, tips on contamination monitoring and model signage templates that can be customized.
  • Edible Food Recovery: SB 1383 requires that, starting in 2022, food service businesses must donate edible food to food recovery organizations. Jurisdictions are responsible for program implementation, thus a number of resources — including a model food recovery agreement — have been developed by CalRecycle and its contractors.
  • Procurement: Beginning January 1, 2022, SB 1383 requires cities and counties to procure annually a quantity of recovered organic waste products that include compost, mulch and renewable energy (transportation fuel, heat, and electricity) from anaerobic digestion and electricity from biomass conversion. CalRecycle will assign an annual procurement target to each jurisdiction based on its population.

New tools will be added to the website as they become available from CalReycle and its contractors. On the “Coming Soon” list are Recycled Organic Products Procurement Calculator, Organic Waste Recycling Capacity Planning Tools and Guidance, and Food Recovery Capacity Planning Tools and Guidance.

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