Emission calculator

March 3, 2020 | General

RNG Fueling On The Grow

Emission calculatorClean Energy Fuels Corp. delivered 143 million gallons of Redeem™ Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) in 2019, due in part to a number of corporate and municipal contracts. Redeem is derived from capturing biogenic methane produced by landfills and anaerobic digesters at dairies and wastewater treatment plants. The environmental impact of replacing 143 million gallons of diesel fuel with RNG is the equivalent of reducing 745,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions — also equal to planting 12 million trees, or removing 158,000 cars off the road, or reducing 260,000 tons of waste that would otherwise be sent to the landfill.
In 2019, Clean Energy set a goal to exclusively offer Redeem at all of its natural gas fueling stations by 2025. “Our 2019 Redeem totals were bolstered by a 7-year contract with UPS for 170 million gallons to fuel its large fleet of natural gas heavy-duty trucks around the country, the largest purchase of RNG ever in the U.S.,” states Clean Energy. In 2019, it provided an estimated 16 million gallons of Redeem to UPS. Redeem sales were also strengthened by the addition of more ultra-low emissions trucks operating in the ports of Los Angeles, and from wider adoption by California municipalities.
In late February, Clean Energy announced a partnership with the Natural Gas Vehicle Institute (NGVi) to offer TouchPoint, a comprehensive customer care resource that ensures fleet managers, supervisors and technicians receive optimal training and support for a successful natural gas vehicle (NGV) launch and ongoing maintenance and operation. TouchPoint is an extension of Clean Energy’s Zero Now, a program that makes the cost of leasing or purchasing a new natural gas heavy-duty truck equal to the price or even lower than that of the same truck equipped with a diesel engine. In addition, truck fleets financed or purchased through Zero Now are eligible to purchase Redeem™ with a fixed discount to diesel at a significant spread for the duration of the contract.

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