December 21, 2021 | Community Composting, Composting

Seeking Compost Education Coordinator In Silicon Valley

The University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) branch in Santa Clara County, has a job opening for a Compost Education Program Coordinator (CEPC). This key position coordinates and helps lead UCCE’s compost education program in the heart of Silicon Valley. “The CEPC manages our compost work, which is carried out by a great group of trained volunteers via classes, workshops, and demonstration sites,” explains Lucy Diekmann, Urban Agriculture/Food Systems Advisor at UCCE Santa Clara County. “The job involves coordinating volunteers’ educational outreach to members of the public and schools and collaborates with community partners. They also organize regular training for our community volunteers and develops compost education curriculum.”

New compost education programs and curriculum development cover topics such as home composting, vermicomposting, waste reduction, and compost application to landscapes and gardens. Responsibilities include training, guiding, and supporting Master Composter volunteers with education, information, and resources; identifying and developing evaluation tools for the program; collecting and compiling enrollment data; and writing reports in compliance with funding requirements. In addition, the CEPC will administer the sales and distribution of home composting bins at community workshops, follow up with workshop attendees to ensure bins are received and being used effectively, and work with representatives from area cities to implement bin sale promotion programs. Deadline for applications is January 5, 2022.

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